-ecoEatHere we are providing 100% fresh and carefully dehydrated edible insects bugs.We at ecoEat providing mixed trial including diving beetle, armor tail scorpion, glant water scorpion.-WHY TO TRY OUR EDIBLE INSECTS?Jungle trail mix is 11g in weight and consists of different edible bugs. Shelf life 6 months from date of manufacture and they’re fresh when you received them.Each bugs in the packet are individually wrapped. Edible bugs are a great source of protein.We give you a great combination of scorpions, water scorpions, diving beetle, and salt.-INGREDIENTS:Glant water scorpion, Armor tail scorpion, and Diving beetle and Salt.-SPEICALITY:The Armor tail scorpion has a pleasant taste. The crunch was great, and the taste of diving beetle is a good compliment to the pleasant water scorpion, woody flavor of the scorpion.
3 weeks ago
1 week ago