3M VHB Tape 4941 is a conformable, double-sided, pressure-sensitive, closed-cell acrylic foam tape. High strength. Durable. Clean appearance. Bonds high and medium surface energy substrates. Provides handling convenience, cushioning, damping and impact resistance. Plasticizer resistant. UL listing 746C. Specifications adhesion to HSE high adhesion to LSE medium, low adhesive type multi-purpose acrylic adhesive, general purpose acrylic adhesive applications rail car light cover attachment. Rail car bonding metal stiffeners. Commercial vehicle trim attachment. ABS support structure bonding. Bonding glass to a metal oven door. Interior rail car construction. Trim fairing bonding on truck cab exteriors. Roof bow bonding on truck bodies. Channel stiffener bonding on truck bodies. Stack unit support bracket bonding. Aluminum floor bonding. Truck body nameplate bonding. Bonding door kick and seal plate. Bonding panels to metal frames. Commercial vehicle roof vent attachment. Side panel bonding on commercial trailers. Bonding Muntin bars to glass. Bus body side panel bonding. Nameplate attachment on commercial vehicles. Extruded plastic channel bonding application, temperature-environment N or A, backing material foam. Brand 3M VHB. Color is gray. Flame retardant N or A. Flexibility of materials both substrates rigid, one substrate flexible. Both substrates flexible foam conformability conformable industries transportation. Specialty vehicle. Metal working. Automotive. Military and government. General industrial. Appliance. Electronics.
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