1. Plant them high. Raise the bed, and be sure that no water stands around the roots or in the bottom of the hole. If there’s water in the planting hole, it’s not a suitable site for a date. 2. Plant them in sand, not muck, not marl. It must drain well. 3. Maintain an area around the tree weed-free and flower-free. Don’t plant anything around them, especially not turf. For sure, nothing that needs to be watered. 4. Water them during a respectable establishment period (a few months), then almost never again. 5. Keep a very close eye on them. At the first sign of trouble get a diagnosis and treat the problem. There are many problems for which there are no treatments available, but treat anything you can treat, and do so promptly. 6. Be very attentive to the nutritional needs of your palm. Florida soils are nutrient-poor and typically have a pH above 8.0. Use a “palm special” fertilizer formulation, and apply 1.5 lbs./100 square feet four times per year, during the warm months. And keep an eye out for deficiency symptoms, especially potassium and the trace elements. 7. If you lose a date palm, it would be best not to put another one in that spot. If you must put another one there, first remove as much soil as you can, and replace it with clean sand. 8. Avoid planting in pairs (one may die and spoil the design).
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