Specifications: Compatible with Raspberry Pi 3/2/B+/A+ The VGA output supports resolution: from 640 x 480 up to 1920 x 1024 at 60fps. With 6 bits per channel you have a maximum of 262144 colours. Size: 65.0mm 30.0mm 18.0mm Power supply: 3.3V Analog input voltage: VDD, GND Programmable data rate: 8sps to 860sps Internal PGA: Support Sampling accuracy: 16 bits I2c interface: Select address by pin Number of channels: 4 single-ended or 2 differential inputs Programmable Comparator (PGA): 2/3 ~ 16 Internal NTC: Support Features: Easy to Set Up Easy to Configure Technology Support: Edit /boot/config.txt file with vim.tiny or other editor. and modify as following: framebuffer_width=800 framebuffer_height=600 dpi_group=2 device_tree=bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb dpi_mode=86 dtparam=i2c_arm=off dtparam=spi=off dtparam=uart0=off dtparam=uart1=off dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt-overlay dtoverlay=vga666 enable_dpi_lcd=1 display_default_lcd=1 force_pwm_open=0 dtparam=audio=on start_x=1 gpu_mem=128 Please disable the functions of all the GPIO Pins so that it can work properly 800*600 resolution is highly recommended as higher resolution will slow down your Pi and cost more RAM Package Included: 1PCS NOYITO 4-Channel 16Bit ADC With PGA For RPI Raspberry PI 16 Bits I2C ADS1115 Module
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